2025-2026 Concert Season Bishop Gadsden House Concerts
Spend a delightful Wednesday or Thursday evening enjoying a performance of chamber music in one of the cozy homes of Bishop Gadsden.
Each hour-long program concludes with a light post-concert reception following the concert.
Individual tickets: $65 each
4-concert subscription: $220 each

Wednesday, 9/17/25 at 7pm. The Kotz Residence, 3046 Bishop Gadsden Way
Thursday, 9/18/25 at 7pm. The Marterer Residence, 563 Quay Circle
TRADITIONAL Suite of US Revolutionary War Era Marches
DEVIENNE Trio in Bb, Op. 61, No. 5
BEETHOVEN Wind Quartet in C Major, Op. 87
Regina Helcher Yost, flute l Gretchen Roper, clarinet
Sandra Nikolajevs, bassoon l Debra Sherrill Ward, french horn

Wednesday, 11/19/25 at 7pm. The Sullivan Residence, 3045 Bishop Gadsden Way
Thursday 11/20/25 at 7pm. The Sullivan Residence, 3045 Bishop Gadsden Way
MOZART Trio in E Flat Major for Clarinet, Viola, and Piano K. 498, “Kegelstatt”
REINECKE Trio for Viola, Clarinet, and Piano in A Major, Op. 264
Charles Messersmith, clarinet l Ben Weiss, viola l Ana Palanciuc Hamilton, piano

Wednesday, 1/28/26 at 7pm. The Kotz Residence, 3046 Bishop Gadsden Way
Thursday, 1/29/26 at 7pm. The Kotz Residence, 3046 Bishop Gadsden Way
HANDEL Trio Sonata in F Major, Op. 2, No. 4, HWV 389
BACH Trio Sonata from the Musical Offering BWV 1079
HURNIK Sonata da Camera
Frances Hsieh, violin l Regina Helcher Yost, flute l Timothy O’Malley ,cello I Julia Harlow, harpsichord

Wednesday, 5/13/26 at 7pm. Fishburn Residence, 3020 Bishop Gadsden Way
Thursday, 5/14/26 at 7pm. To Be Announced
GROFE Table d’Hôte
RACHMANINOV Two Movements for String Quartet
MOZART Flute in F Major K.370/368b
GERSHWIN Lullaby for String Quartet
Regina Helcher Yost, flute I Frances Hsieh, vioin I Ben Weiss, viola I Timothy O’Malley, cello